Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Making 3D printable Valentines with Stroodle Doodle

Here is a recreation of the 2016 Valentine design using Strudel Doodle, a new useful toy for making 3D printable models. This is my first time using this pre-alpha software created by Eric Neuman, Strudel Doodle (coming soon)!

You can check out and download and print the design on Sketchfab here: https://sketchfab.com/models/c428c782af20460ab0082be5db7f3da8

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Trying to recreate Valentines in 3D with Tiltbrush

I had some challenges with getting the layers of the video capture, so I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but I'm back at CoMotion today to try and figure out how to get it all set up properly.

I'll work backwards to recreate  my previous Valentine designs, stay tuned!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Animated GIFs of Valentine Making 2017

This year's design is a kaleidoscope / prism design, and I recorded some of my process painting the backgrounds and printing the blocks. Enjoy!

Printing backgrounds

Still printing backgrounds...

Printing the block and burnishing with a shot glass.

Cutting the stack into individual Valentines. 164 this year!